I have been an Apple supporter for a long time now. My relationship with the local Apple store has only gotten stronger over the years, as they have brought out one intriguing product after another. I have even been fortunate enough to be a beta tester for some of their products. Today, I finally opened the iPod touch that has been sitting on my desk for a week. To be honest, I didn't feel that I had the need for it, as my iPhone provides me with everything I need.
Now the box has been opened and what a wonderful surprise the iPod touch turned out to be. It is basically just a slimmer, sleeker version of the iPhone but without the phone and camera. The display is a bit wider. The interface is the same and the design is just as remarkable. I imagine that it will fit nicely into my family of Apple products. The best thing about the "iProducts" is the ability to carry around a portfolio of my work, in my pocket, all the time. I cannot tell you how many times I have been able to turn somebody on to my work at a social gathering by having a portable collection of my photography with me. It is a wonderful marketing tool. I could not be any happier with Apple products.