Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Holiday Special

Morton Beebe and Associates: Happy Holidays

Holiday Special

Experience San Francisco this Holiday Season.

As a token of loyalty to you and our friends who supported the research and photography throughout the year, we're offering my San Francisco book (second edition) for only $15.50*!

"Unparalleled in scope and intimacy, Morton Beebe's beautiful photographic excursion around his native San Francisco contains more than 200 full-color pictures of favorite sights in and around the City by the Bay, and essays by well-known San Franciscans capture the vitality and allure of this diverse and fascinating city. For a stunning visual and literary journey through the streets of this alluring City by the Bay, simply turn the pages and become entranced."

Best wishes for the holidays,
Morton Beebe and Associates

Go Here to Order for the Holidays!

San Francisco 2nd ed.

San Francisco: City by the Bay
2nd Edition

Hardcover, Full Color
9 1/2 x 12 3/4"
270 illustrations
240 pages

More info about this book
Look inside this book!

Originally $49.50,now $15.50*!

*Plus shipping and applicable California taxes.